Beautiful Conditions at Kerferd Rd Jetty

We fish we care

Beautiful Conditions at Kerferd Rd Jetty

Beautiful conditions at Kerferd Rd Jetty in mid October, with 2 FishAbility sessions plus a large school group.

With the water now starting to warm up, we caught a number of tiny Pinkies, undersized Australian Salmon, regulation Toadies, and a beautiful 39cm Silver Trevally that ran like a freight train, which went home with Janet for dinner ????

The excitement highlight was a massive Stingray (Smooth Ray) that took my line for a 5 minute run before finally snapping off at the hook, just before it spooled me!!

Interestingly, my FG knot didn’t fail, even with the weight estimated by Chris to be 30-40kg+!!

A big crowd got to see the 1.5-2m wide Ray up close as it swam past the end of the jetty before heading for Williamstown, but I don’t think anyone got a photo, sadly.

( For those interested, the hook should corrode and break away within a matter of days).

Huge thanks to Chris, Richard & Geoff from Elwood Angling Club for their brilliant assistance.