East Gippsland Update

We fish we care

East Gippsland Update

Jenny Allitt, the Facilitator for Fishcare East Gippsland Inc was successful in a Coastcare grant for a local project called “What lives in the Water – Gippsland Lakes”. This project includes a large display that shows the different habitats that are found in the Gippsland Lakes and included are the pictures of the individual fish species that require these different habitats to live and thrive.

They had life-like models of these different fish made to support this project and students can manage and understand how their different features support where they live.

These interactive workshops deliver key messages about the different fish habitats within the Gippsland lakes and the importance of healthy habitats to individual native fish and to also include pest species. The group looks forward to delivering more of this project in the future.

Alongside this, the group has maintained activity with lots of incursions and excursions. The excursions on Lake Tyers have been amazing with the prawn run turning on the black bream and seeing participants catching good size fish in numbers.

With the weather cooling down, so will the fishing. However, the momentum won’t and the group will look to continue their incredible efforts in delivering our incursions.