Privacy Policy – Fishcare Victoria

We fish we care

  1. Purpose

Fishcare Victoria collects and holds a range of personal, location and photograph information about volunteers and Get Hooked on Fishing App users for the purposes of recruitment, engagement information, targeted marketing, and ongoing management of volunteers. The organisation is committed to protecting the privacy of volunteers’ personal information and as such adopts the principles of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. 

  • Definition of personal information

Personal information is any information held by the organisation about a volunteer/user that could reasonably be used to identify them. 

Apart from their name, this could be:

  • Address or phone number
  • Email address
  • Medical condition
  • Living arrangements
  • Employment
  • Hobbies, clubs, or activities
  • Photos or videos
  • likes and opinions.

The collection and management of information of this nature is subject to the procedures outlined below. 

Furthermore, the organisation will not collect or record without consent of the volunteer any personal information that could be deemed sensitive, including:

  • racial or ethnic origin
  • political opinions
  • membership of a political association
  • religious beliefs or affiliations
  • philosophical beliefs
  • membership of a professional or trade association
  • membership of a trade union
  • sexual preferences or practices
  • criminal record  
  • Definition of location information

Location information is any information pertaining to the location of a volunteer/Get Hooked on Fishing app user whilst conducting activities under Fishcare Victoria or while using select functions of the Get hooked on Fishing app.

Location information could be:

  • approximate location
  • precise location
  • Photograph and video data usage

Photo or video may be captured/used by Fishcare Victoria with regards to the use of the Catch Log feature of the Get Hooked on Fishing app or by volunteers and staff during activities for the use of data collection, marketing, and promotions.

  • Procedures for managing volunteers/Get Hooked on Fishing app uses personal, location and photograph/video information.


Fishcare Victoria will: 

  • collect only information from volunteers/Get Hooked on Fishing App users that is necessary for recruitment, targeted marketing of other potential users and/or relevant organisation functions.
  • notify stakeholders about why we collect the information and how it is administered. 
  • notify stakeholders that this information is accessible to them. 
  • Information will be collected through registration processes and in app uses including:
    • Users accessing ‘Fishing Locations’ functions in the Get Hooked on Fishing app.

Use and disclosure. 

Fishcare Victoria will:

  • use and disclose a volunteer’s information only for the main purpose for which it was collected – for example, for checking their references or contacting emergency contacts.
  • obtain consent from the volunteer/Get Hooked on Fishing app user before using or disclosing their personal information for any other reason. 

Data quality 

  • The organisation will take reasonable steps to ensure the information we collect about volunteers and Get Hooked on Fishing app users is accurate, complete, up-to-date, and relevant to the functions we perform. 

Data security 

  • The organisation will safeguard the information we collect and store about volunteers and Get Hooked on Fishing app users against misuse, loss, unauthorised access, and modification.   


The organisation will:

  • ensure volunteers/Get Hooked on Fishing app users are aware of this Privacy Policy and Procedures and its purposes. 
  • make this information freely available in relevant publications and on the organisation’s website.

Access and correction 

  • The organisation will make sure volunteers know they have a right to access their file and make corrections if they feel the information is wrong.
  • Volunteers who wish to access or amend their personal information should approach the manager of volunteers. 
  • Users of the Get Hooked on Fishing app have the right to contact Fishcare Victoria staff and request that their data be changed or deleted.

App information and performance

Application data from the Get Hooked on Fishing app can be used by Fishcare Victoria or the app developer for the purpose of ensuring the ongoing functionality and performance of the app.

This data and information include:

  • Crash logs
  • Diagnostics
  • Other app performance data


  • The organisation’s Board/Committee of Management is responsible for adopting this policy.
  • The organisation’s Board/Committee of Management, manager of volunteer services and all paid staff members, contractors and volunteers are responsible for the implementation of this policy.
  • The manager of volunteer services is responsible for monitoring changes in privacy legislation and for reviewing this policy as and when the need arises.  

Acknowledgement and consent

I acknowledge that I ___[insert name]____ have read and understood the policy and procedures for the collection and use of my personal information by the organisation.    I understand that I may at any time access my personal information and correct information that is out of date, misleading or wrong.  I consent to the collection and use of my personal information for the purposes outlined in this policy and according to the procedures here described.   

Date:   July 2023     This policy can be updated as required.