Close up on European Carp

We fish we care

Close up on European Carp

Approximately 96% of European carp accumulate on Australia’s East coast and as many as 360 million carp clog Aussie waterways each year a recent study investigating the pest species biomass found.

Carp pose a significant threat to Australia’s biodiversity because of their contribution to environmental degradation when feeding which stirs up sediment, uproots vegetation and reduces water clarity.  These changes affect native fish species such as Golden Perch, Murray Cod, Silver Perch and Freshwater catfish which have all experienced a decline since Carp were first introduced in the 1850’s.

The National Carp plan was first announced in 2016 as one way of controlling the population through the release of the carp herpes virus (Cyprinid herpesvirus 3) as a biological control agent but has since been postponed on several occasions and remains incomplete. Whilst some are sceptical of the plan, others see a good opportunity for the community to get involved in carp removal and reductions programs. Fishcare Victoria often host “Catch a Carp” day across the state empowering anglers to play a part in carp removal.

In Victorian carp is declared a noxious species and must not be returned to the water alive. They are to be dispatched and either returned to the water, used for food or fertiliser. The demand for carp as a source of food in Australia is slowly rising but recently fish fertiliser suppliers have seen a significant demand for carp as people spend more time gardening and growing their own food.


Schremmer, J (2021 March, 23rd), ‘Carp Occupies 97 per cent Australia’s large east coast rivers, study reveals’, ABC rural,